
Badger Swim Club 

 May 13, 2021

By  Mark Rauterkus

Badger Swim Club & site specific data for ISCA's Web Wizards version 1

Executive Summary:

The International Swim Coaches Association would greatly appreciate your support with an exclusive, time-limited, marketing experiment. 


For your initial cooperation in joining this Web Wizards program, you and your friends (up to 12 individuals) are able to obtain Annual Memberships to ISCA that cost $75 each (total value is $900). 

  • The  Global Library for ISCA Members offers resources for swim coaches, teachers and aquatic professionals. With more than 200 lessons and topics, coaches of all levels get plenty of insights. This LMS (learning management system) makes a splendid teaching tool for you to bestow and support new coaches on your staff and in your community. 

Your website gets an ecommerce system that allows you to capture additional sponsor links, logos and donations. Collect new income from local sponsors and others who wish to pay you for a logo and link on your website's home page. 


Displayed Results

<a href="https://SwimISCA.org"><img src="https://cdn.swimisca.org/allstar/logo01.png?w=210" srcset="https://cdn.swimisca.org/allstar/logo01.png?w=210 1x, https://cdn.swimisca.org/allstar/logo01.png?w=420 2x" alt="ISCA Logo - International Swim Coaches Association" width="210" height="240" /></a>

<a href="https://SwimISCA.org/save-the-date"><img src="https://cdn.swimisca.org/sites/WP_web.swimisca.org/2021/04/SummerSenior%20Blast4-21_clipped_rev_1-min.png?w=210" width="210" height="158" srcset="https://cdn.swimisca.org/sites/WP_web.swimisca.org/2021/04/SummerSenior%20Blast4-21_clipped_rev_1-min.png?w=210 1x, https://cdn.swimisca.org/sites/WP_web.swimisca.org/2021/04/SummerSenior%20Blast4-21_clipped_rev_1-min.png?w=420 2x" alt="Swim Meet logo for the ISCA Summer Senior Blast 2021, clipped and min" /></a>

<a href="https://SwimISCA.org/save-the-date"><img src="https://cdn.swimisca.org/sites/WP_web.swimisca.org/2021/04/summer-elite-2021_clipped_rev_1-min.png?w=250" width="250" height="170" srcset="https://cdn.swimisca.org/sites/WP_web.swimisca.org/2021/04/summer-elite-2021_clipped_rev_1-min.png?w=250 1x, https://cdn.swimisca.org/sites/WP_web.swimisca.org/2021/04/summer-elite-2021_clipped_rev_1-min.png?w=500 2x" alt="Meet logo for the ISCA Summer Elite Showcase for 2021" /></a>

ISCA Hall of Fame laurel

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Lifespan Aquatics Programming

We understand, this is a bit of work. You can do it!

I'd be willing to help you with the code or do the edits to the page if you wish. We can share a screen and be on a Zoom call or use Google Meet. Just let me know. Or, set me up as an Admin, I'll do the uploads and work with your page, on a back-up. Then you can nuke that account when it is completed. Or, if you want larger or smaller sizes of the images, that's fine too.

When it is done, let me know.

Last step is for us to send you the coupon codes for gratis access as ISCA Members. 

More insights on the fast images server from our CDN.

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